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2017.01.31: V 1.2.2: Bug fixes and extensions

  • Fixed micromegas interface that got broken in version 1.2.1
  • Improved capabilities to detect mixing blocks.
  • Improved capabilities to introduce mixing parametrisations
  • Improved input files for xSM2 and RxSM

2017.01.31: V 1.2.1: Minor bug fix

  • Fixed compilation flags that prevented minimal compilation with interfaces off

2016.12.06: V 1.2.0: NEW SUB-VERSION: New models

  • New N2HDM model.
  • New real singlet model (RxSM).
  • Improvements of the complex singlet model.
  • Improved interfaces to new versions of HDECAY for singlet models (sHDECAY) and the N2HDM (N2HDECAY).
  • Various improvements of the core code and numerical tables.

2014.09.21: V 1.1.0: NEW SUB-VERSION: Code re-modelled

  • New manual with improved QuickStart and description of interfaces.
  • New classes for models implemented in examples (2HDM and xSM).
  • Major improvements of internal routines and (rare) bug fixes.

2014.02.12: V 1.0.2: New manual, Interface bugs fixed & new variable names in ScannerSInput.nb

  • New manual: The first version of the manual was released with step by step instructions and improved description of interfaces
  • New variable names: In the Mathematica input file, now some variable names changed slightly to be more consistent with the cpp code (check the manual)
  • Bugs fixed in various interfaces: Please use this version which should be backward compatible.

2013.10.26: V 1.0.1: SuShi interface fixes

  • Wrapper function changed: The wrapper function "sushixsection_" has been changed so that the correct cross-sections are fetched correctly from SuShi. Also a bug was fixed in the function "CreateInputFileSuShi2HDM" which creates the input file used in the interface. Previous versions of this interface should not be used. The interface was tested with SuShi 1.1.0.

2013.09.13: V 1.0.0: Initial release